Welcome to the Transylvania NAACP
Ensuring the Political, Educational, Social and Economic Equality of Rights of ALL persons and Eliminate Racial Hatred and Racial Discrimination.
Our Mission:
Our Transylvania County branch of the NAACP was founded in 2014. Our mission embraces protecting the political, educational, social and economic rights of all – people of color, women, immigrants, workers, LGBTQ people, voters, children and more. Today, we are bringing together lifelong residents and newcomers of every background, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity in pursuit of that mission.
We, the Transylvania NAACP, are concerned about the following issues and we would ask our Members and Supporters to review the following issues and take Action! Thank You!
Voting Rights
VOTING RIGHTS Black Americans voted in record numbers in 2020, casting the deciding votes in elections up and down the ballot and ushering in an era of change. However, with attacks on our right to vote, our right to protest
Your Elected Officials
YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS President of the United StatesJoseph R. Biden (D)1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20500202-456-1111Website: www.whitehouse.gov/contact; E-mail through website. U.S. Senate:Ted Budd (R)SR-B85 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510(202) 224-3154Website: https://www.budd.senate.gov; E-mail through website.Thom Tillis (R)185 Dirksen
Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory CRT seeks to identify “laws, policies, and procedures that function to produce racial inequality.”It looks at statistics that may show evidence of structural racism. The characteristics of structural racism: There are complex ways that laws create racial